Safe ActiveRecord like query Safe ActiveRecord like query ruby ruby

Safe ActiveRecord like query

To ensure that your query string gets properly sanitized, use the array or the hash query syntax to describe your conditions:

Foo.where("bar LIKE ?", "%#{query}%")


Foo.where("bar LIKE :query", query: "%#{query}%")

If it is possible that the query might include the % character then you need to sanitize query with sanitize_sql_like first:

Foo.where("bar LIKE ?", "%#{sanitize_sql_like(query)}%")Foo.where("bar LIKE :query", query: "%#{sanitize_sql_like(query)}%")

Using Arel you can perform this safe and portable query:

title = Model.arel_table[:title]Model.where(title.matches("%#{query}%"))

For PostgreSQL it will be

Foo.where("bar ILIKE ?", "%#{query}%")