sass compile error - StalenessChecker::Mutex (NameError) sass compile error - StalenessChecker::Mutex (NameError) ruby ruby

sass compile error - StalenessChecker::Mutex (NameError)

This same issue started popping up for me today. I suppose there is something wrong with sass-3.2.11 or some configuration that I am not aware of.

To get past the issue for now I uninstalled the new version and installed an older version like so:

Uninstall sass

gem uninstall sass

Install version 3.2.10

gem install sass --version 3.2.10

Reinstall compass

gem install compass

This has been fixed in sass 3.2.12.

Sass Issue Queue

So all you need to do is update your sass gem

gem install sass

Should pull the latest version 3.2.12 or greater

i previously had updated the default OSX version with:

gem update --system

This created the problem - not a good idea to do on the 'out of the box' OSX version.