Save JSON outputted from a URL to a file Save JSON outputted from a URL to a file ruby ruby

Save JSON outputted from a URL to a file

This is easy in any language, but the mechanism varies. With wget and a shell:

wget '' -O hi.json

To append:

wget '' -O - >> hi.json

With Python:

urllib.urlretrieve('', 'hi.json')

To append:

hi_web = urllib2.urlopen('');with open('hi.json', 'ab') as hi_file:  hi_file.write(


$outfile= 'result.json';$url='';$json = file_get_contents($url);if($json) {     if(file_put_contents($outfile, $json, FILE_APPEND)) {      echo "Saved JSON fetched from “{$url}” as “{$outfile}”.";    }    else {      echo "Unable to save JSON to “{$outfile}”.";    }}else {   echo "Unable to fetch JSON from “{$url}”.";}

You can use CURL

curl -d "q=hi" -o file1.txt