Seeding file uploads with CarrierWave, Rails 3 Seeding file uploads with CarrierWave, Rails 3 ruby ruby

Seeding file uploads with CarrierWave, Rails 3

Turns out the documentation for CarrierWave is slightly wrong. There is a more up to date piece of code in the README at the GitHub repository for the project.

In a nutshell, though:

pi = ProductImage.create!(:product => product)!(, 'test.jpg')))product.product_images <<!

So long as your uploader is mounted to your model, using the mount_uploader method, you can seed your models with carrierwave using the relevant open method. This would be a more concise way of achieving the same thing. In my case I'm seeding from a URL:

Game.create([{  :title => "Title",  :uuid_old => "1e5e5822-28a1-11e0-91fa-0800200c9a66",   :link_href => "link_href",   :icon => open(""),  :updated_at => "2011-01-25 16:38:46",   :platforms => Platform.where("name = 'iPhone'"),   :summary => "Blah, blah, blah...",   :feed_position => 0,   :languages => Language.where("code = 'de'"),   :tags => Tag.where(:name => ['LCGOL', 'TR', 'action'])},{...

Here's an example script I incorporated into a seed.rb file for one of my projects.I'm sure it can be improved but it provides a good working example.

All the assets I'm pulling are stored within the app/assets/images and they have names matching the names of my Info objects (after I replace spaces with underscores and downcase the names).

Yes it does sound inefficient, but apart from putting those assets on an FTP somehwhere, it's the best solution I found for my remote server to be able to upload the files straight to S3 using Carrierwave and Fog.

My Info model has a has_one association to a Gallery model, which has a has_many association to a Photo model. The Carrierwave uploader is mounted on the 'file' (string) column of that model.

Info.all.each do |info|                info_name =' ', '_')  directory = File.join(Rails.root, "app/assets/images/infos/stock/#{info_name}")  # making sure the directory for this service exists  if    gallery = info.create_gallery    Dir.foreach(directory) do |item|      next if item == '.' or item == '..'      # do work on real items      image = Photo.create!(gallery_id:!(, item))) << image    end!  endend

This works flawlessly for me, but ideally I wouldn't have to package the files that I'm uploading to S3 within the assets folder. I'm more than open to suggestions & improvements.