Serving static files with Sinatra Serving static files with Sinatra ruby ruby

Serving static files with Sinatra

You can use the send_file helper to serve files.

require 'sinatra'get '/' do  send_file File.join(settings.public_folder, 'index.html')end

This will serve index.html from whatever directory has been configured as having your application's static files.

Without any additional configuration, Sinatra will serve assets in public. For the empty route, you'll want to render the index document.

require 'rubygems'require 'sinatra'get '/' do'public', 'index.html'))end

Routes should return a String which become the HTTP response body. opens a file, reads the file, closes the file and returns a String.

You could just host them from the public folder and they do not need routes.

.-- myapp.rb`-- public    |-- application.css    |-- application.js    |-- index.html    `-- jquery.js

In the myapp.rb

set :public_folder, 'public'get "/" do  redirect '/index.html'end

Link to some sub folder in public

set :public_folder, 'public'get "/" do  redirect '/subfolder/index.html' end

Everything in ./public is accessible from '/whatever/bla.html

Example :
Will be accessible via '/stylesheets/screen.css' no route required