Shell out from ruby while setting an environment variable Shell out from ruby while setting an environment variable ruby ruby

Shell out from ruby while setting an environment variable

system({"MYVAR" => "42"}, "echo $MYVAR")

system accepts any arguments that Process.spawn accepts.

Ruby 1.9 includes Process::spawn which allows an environ hash to be provided.

Process::spawn is also the foundation for system, exec, popen, etc.
You can pass an environment to each.

Under Ruby 1.8, you may want to consider the POSIX::Spawn library,
which provides the same interfaces

Using your same approach, but wrapped up as a block method that temporarily modifies the environment (like the block form of Dir.chdir):

def with_environment(variables={})  if block_given?    old_values ={ |k,v| [k,ENV[k]] }    begin       variables.each{ |k,v| ENV[k] = v }       result = yield    ensure      old_values.each{ |k,v| ENV[k] = v }    end    result  else    variables.each{ |k,v| ENV[k] = v }  endendwith_environment 'RBENV_VERSION'=>'system' do  `ruby extconf.rb`end