Sorting an array of objects in Ruby by object attribute? Sorting an array of objects in Ruby by object attribute? ruby ruby

Sorting an array of objects in Ruby by object attribute?

I recommend using sort_by instead:

objects.sort_by {|obj| obj.attribute}

Especially if attribute may be calculated.

Or a more concise approach:


Yes, using Array#sort! this is easy.

myarray.sort! { |a, b|  a.attribute <=> b.attribute }

Ascending order :

objects_array.sort! { |a, b|  a.attribute <=> b.attribute }


objects_array.sort_by{ |obj| obj.attribute }

Descending order :

objects_array.sort! { |a, b|  b.attribute <=> a.attribute }


objects_array.sort_by{ |obj| obj.attribute }.reverse