Testing modules in RSpec Testing modules in RSpec ruby ruby

Testing modules in RSpec

The rad way =>

let(:dummy_class) { Class.new { include ModuleToBeTested } }

Alternatively you can extend the test class with your module:

let(:dummy_class) { Class.new { extend ModuleToBeTested } }

Using 'let' is better than using an instance variable to define the dummy class in the before(:each)

When to use RSpec let()?

What mike said. Here's a trivial example:

module code...

module Say  def hello    "hello"  endend

spec fragment...

class DummyClassendbefore(:each) do  @dummy_class = DummyClass.new  @dummy_class.extend(Say)endit "get hello string" do  expect(@dummy_class.hello).to eq "hello"end

For modules that can be tested in isolation or by mocking the class, I like something along the lines of:


module MyModule  def hallo    "hallo"  endend


describe MyModule do  include MyModule  it { hallo.should == "hallo" }end

It might seem wrong to hijack nested example groups, but I like the terseness. Any thoughts?