Troubles with ruby-2.X installation using RVM Troubles with ruby-2.X installation using RVM ruby ruby

Troubles with ruby-2.X installation using RVM

Try the following

$ rvm remove 2.0.0 # get rid of unsuccessful installation$ rvm get head --autolibs=3 # get the latest RVM and build required libs$ rvm requirements # just in case, install all other required stuff$ rvm install ruby-2.0.0

If at any of those commands fails at any point. Update your question with the logs.

I had this exact same problem. The solution was elegant and simple.

Just update your gems direct from the command line:

sudo gem update --system

That's it!Terminal will now show:

Updating RubyGemsUpdating rubygems-updateSuccessfully installed rubygems-update-2.0.3Updating RubyGems to 2.0.3Installing RubyGems 2.0.3RubyGems 2.0.3 installed

I had this exact same problem, same error message, etc. I don't know about you, but I use MacPorts, and through that I have libraries like OpenSSL installed, which I think may have contributed to my trouble.

I just got it working on my system; I'm not sure exactly what I did right but here are the steps I took:

  1. Set up my ~/.rvmrc to match the first code block here.
  2. Uninstalled 2.0.0 through rvm (rvm remove 2.0.0).
  3. Removed the folders for ruby-2.0.0, rubygems-2.0.0 and the dependency packages like OpenSSL and YAML in ~/.rvm/src.
  4. Executed rvm install 2.0.0 --with-opt-dir=/opt/local --autolibs=0. /opt/local is my MacPorts prefix directory, and autolibs=0 disables any dependency installation so it didn't have the opportunity to use something other than my MacPorts libraries. If you get through this step without red console output you're past the errors you were having above.
  5. Not knowing if having an empty default gemset was the problem I also ran rvm use --create 2.0.0@... to get a non-default gemset created and then (successfully) installed a gem and its dependencies into it.

I hope this helps!