Unable to install fileutils Rubygem on ubuntu 14.04 lts Unable to install fileutils Rubygem on ubuntu 14.04 lts ruby ruby

Unable to install fileutils Rubygem on ubuntu 14.04 lts

Running sudo apt-get install libmagickwand-dev solved the problem for me.

Install these two packages

sudo apt-get install libmagickwand-devsudo apt-get install imagemagick

In your Gemfile add these lines

# To perform file operationsgem 'rmagick'gem 'fileutils', '~> 0.7'

Then you can install the gems by running

bundle install

And as an output of the command you should see something similar to this...

...Installing rmagick 2.13.4Installing fileutils 0.7....Your bundle is complete!

From what I can see that gem has been removed, check here, there's no source available, so if you can you can choose another gem like metadata