Updating Gemfile.lock without installing gems Updating Gemfile.lock without installing gems ruby ruby

Updating Gemfile.lock without installing gems

Run bundle lock --update.

I found an answer in a blog post by Chris Blunt: “Rails on Docker: Quickly Create or Update Your Gemfile.lock”:

Today, I discovered a way to save the hours wasted downloading gems: bundler’s lock command.

This gem of a command resolves your app’s dependencies and writes out the appropriate Gemfile.lock – without installing any of the gems themselves.

According to the changelog, this command was added in Bundler 1.10.0.pre, released about eight months after this question was asked.

Instead of

bundle install

do the following:

bundle lock

This will just update the Gemfile.lock, but not attempt to install the files locally. If you want to prepare a Gemfile.lock for a remote or deployment platform you must add it using

bundle lock --add-platform ...

Latest docs at https://bundler.io/v1.16/man/bundle-lock.1.html

Force your specific requirement using:

bundle inject rmagick "=1.7.1"