What values for RUBY_ENGINE correspond to which Ruby implementations? What values for RUBY_ENGINE correspond to which Ruby implementations? ruby ruby

What values for RUBY_ENGINE correspond to which Ruby implementations?

Here's what I've found so far:

| RUBY_ENGINE | Implementation    ||:-----------:|:------------------|| <undefined> | MRI < 1.9         || 'ruby'      | MRI >= 1.9 or REE || 'jruby'     | JRuby             || 'macruby'   | MacRuby           || 'rbx'       | Rubinius          || 'maglev'    | MagLev            || 'ironruby'  | IronRuby          || 'cardinal'  | Cardinal          |

Links for the above mentioned Ruby implementations:

Props to Ujihisa for this blog entry which had most values.Others were found by reading this and this. Still more values have been gathered from other answers here on StackOverflow. More props to everyone who has contributed!


| RUBY_ENGINE | Implementation    ||:-----------:|:------------------|| "ruby"      | REE               || "maglev"    | MagLev            |