Why does Ruby module inclusion exclude the module's singleton class? Why does Ruby module inclusion exclude the module's singleton class? ruby ruby

Why does Ruby module inclusion exclude the module's singleton class?

Unless anyone can come up with a compelling argument, i feel that the limitation is just down to implementation difficulty. Nonetheless i've been working on the problem the last couple of days and have (in beta) a new version of include called include_complete that gets around these difficulties and allows modules inheritance to work like class inheritance (bringing in the singleton)

Check out the project here: http://github.com/banister/include_complete

And beware the project is still very much in beta, but still seems to work as desired so far

Warning: the following is just speculation.

If you're using a class, you'll need singleton class methods, because you rely on them to create the object (eg MyClass.new). If you're using a module, you don't need them, because you can't create objects purely from a module.