Appium and Selenium fail to connect when "Use current location" permission popup appears Appium and Selenium fail to connect when "Use current location" permission popup appears selenium selenium

Appium and Selenium fail to connect when "Use current location" permission popup appears

There has been an appium update for this. Simply add the capability to always accept these alerts to avoid failures anywhere in the app. Java example:

        capabilities.setCapability("autoAcceptAlerts", true);

I believe this is a known issue in Instruments. When the location services pops up within about 8 seconds of app launch, UIAutomation doesn't handle the popup for some reason. See this discussion on the Appium mailing list for more information.

The only solution proposed so far is to delay the location services check until ~8s after app launch.

I had the same issue. To get it working I added 2 capabilities to Appium

    caps = {        "locationServicesAuthorized" => true        "bundleId" => "com.domain.myproject"    }