Appium - File upload to web using Chrome - ERR_ACCESS_DENIED Appium - File upload to web using Chrome - ERR_ACCESS_DENIED selenium selenium

Appium - File upload to web using Chrome - ERR_ACCESS_DENIED

It turns out, Chrome can't access /sdcard/Download/ directory during Automation.

Trying to upload a file from /data/local/tmp/ directory (by pushing a file there first) worked.

Secondly, there is a slight difference between Android 9 and Android 10+ considering the file download and upload scenarios for the path /sdcard/Download/ (yet to come up with a reasoning for this):

  1. In case of file download:
  • Android 10 and above don't ask for any permission (i.e. no dialog box pops up)
  • Android 9 (and probably below that), opens up a dialog box asking for the permission.
  1. In case of file upload:
  • None of them ask for any permission, and thus the upload fails.

Therefore, as a workaround to upload files, we have two ways of doing so:

  1. Either using some other directory, i.e. /data/local/tmp/ (The only thing I found working for Android 10 and above).
  2. (For Android 9 and probably below too) Download any file first, allow/accept the permissions requested. Then proceed to upload from the /sdcard/Download/ directory.