Appium findElement used twice in one row not working Appium findElement used twice in one row not working selenium selenium

Appium findElement used twice in one row not working

They are not the same.


Here, you are searching for //UIAStaticText[4] anywhere, at any level in the entire DOM tree:

When using xpath be aware that webdriver follows standard conventions: a search prefixed with "//" will search the entire document, not just the children of this current node. Use ".//" to limit your search to the children of this WebElement.

While //UIATableCell[2]/UIAStaticText[4] would search among the direct children of //UIATableCell[2] only.

I would do it like so instead:

By locator = new ByChained(By.xpath("//UIATableCell[2]"),By.xpath(".//UIAStaticText[4]")); WebElement modularElement = appDriver.findElement(locator);

Or perhaps this:

public WebElement getCellTextElement(int cell, String varText) {  By locator = new ByChained(By.xpath("//UIATableCell[" + cell + "]"),      By.xpath(".//UIAStaticText[contains(text(),'" + varText + "')]"));   WebElement modularElement = appDriver.findElement(locator);  return modularElement;}