Cannot instantiate the type AppiumDriver Cannot instantiate the type AppiumDriver selenium selenium

Cannot instantiate the type AppiumDriver

You don't need to downgrade or anything. There is a design change in the Java Client version 2.0.0 as they mention on their site:

AppiumDriver is now an abstract class, use IOSDriver and AndroidDriver which both extend it.

So, just change your driver line to be:

dr = new AndroidDriver(new URL(""),capabilities);

Hope that helps...

This error can be fixed by downgrading the Appium Client(see step 1 in my question) from latest to java-client-1.5.0. You can keep rest of the jars to latest.

Downgraded version of Appium Client can be downloaded from here

WebDriver driver = new AndroidDriver(new URL(""),getDesiredCapabilities(""));

use this. and import:

import io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver;import;