Can't update chromedriver and seleniumrelease Can't update chromedriver and seleniumrelease selenium selenium

Can't update chromedriver and seleniumrelease

It happened the same to me. The problem was due to a proxy we are using inside our company.

webdriver-manager has a parameter which is --proxy, where you can specify the proxy which the webdriver command should use.The proxy configuration which you might have in nmp (.npmrc file in your users dicrectory) won't work for webdriver-manager.

Here the example which worked out for me.

webdriver-manager --proxy http://yourproxy:8080 update

If setting your proxy does not work, how it happened to me, you can download the files manually from the urls show in the console, and put them into the selenium folder

The path in Windows is:


That works for me.

I hope that helps

Read on if your webdriver-manager update doesn't update chromedriver to the latest.

I lost a few weeks pulling my hair around an issue I had with "Unable to discover open pages" and every time I would update the chromedriver, it would update to version 2.22 for chromedriver and I believe the selenium server to v2.53. My problem wasn't really with the selenium server so v2.53 was fine.

Issue was with chromedriver v2.22. 

Eventhough this chromdriver link showed that there was a latest version of 2.24, 'webdriver-manager update' would NOT pick up that latest version, it would only grab version 2.22 of the chrome driver.

How did I go around this?

Simply run the command below after you check this link for which version of chromedriver you want to update to; for instance, I wanted v2.24 so I ran the command below:

webdriver-manager update 2.24

If you check your location: C:\Users\<USER>\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\webdriver-manager\selenium\

You should see that the desired chromedriver was downloaded there; if it's not there, read the command prompt logs and it'll tell you where it downloaded your chromdriver files.

Hope that helps someone!