Capture image using specific element locator using protractor tool Capture image using specific element locator using protractor tool selenium selenium

Capture image using specific element locator using protractor tool

Here is an example to crop the logo from a screenshot:

const fs = require('fs');const PNG = require('pngjs').PNG;it("should crop logo", function() {    browser.get("");    var element = $("#hlogo");    protractor.promise.all([        element.getLocation(),        element.getSize(),        browser.takeScreenshot()    ]).then(function(result) {        var src =[2], 'base64'));        var dst = new PNG({width: result[1].width, height: result[1].height});        PNG.bitblt(src, dst, result[0].x, result[0].y, dst.width, dst.height, 0, 0);        fs.writeFileSync('out.png', PNG.sync.write(dst));    });});