Chai-As-Promised is eating assertion errors Chai-As-Promised is eating assertion errors selenium selenium

Chai-As-Promised is eating assertion errors

I think you're having two different issues:

First, you need to return a promise at the end of your tests (e.g. Q.all([...]); in your first test should be return Q.all([...]).

Second, I found that chai-as-promised doesn't seem to work unless used with mocha-as-promised.

Here's an example of mocha-as-promised with two assertions that will cause the test to fail.

/* jshint node:true *//* global describe:false *//* global it:false */'use strict';var Q = require('q');require('mocha-as-promised')();var chai = require('chai');var chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');chai.use(chaiAsPromised);var expect = chai.expect;describe('the test suite', function() {  it('uses promises properly', function() {    var defer = Q.defer();    setTimeout(function() {        defer.resolve(2);      }, 1000);    return Q.all([      expect(0).equals(0),      // the next line will fail      expect(1).equals(0),      expect(defer.promise).to.eventually.equal(2),      // the next line will fail      expect(defer.promise).to.eventually.equal(0)    ]);  });});