Configure Capybara to use Marionette WebDriver for Firefox Configure Capybara to use Marionette WebDriver for Firefox selenium selenium

Configure Capybara to use Marionette WebDriver for Firefox

marionette is passed an option to - not to desired_capabilities

Capybara.register_driver :selenium_firefox do |app|, browser: :firefox, marionette: true)end

It also requires you to have downloaded geckodriver, put it in your path and renamed it to wires

A complete description of these configuration steps, including Marionette latest executables download links can be found here.

Note: Capybara does not yet support marionette, some things are being fixed in capybara, some are bugs in selenium-webdriver, and others are just general flakiness of it - things like it just stops selecting options from select elements - no errors thrown, just stops working. I don't think its ready for real world use yet.