Controlling poll frequency of browser.wait() (Fluent Wait) Controlling poll frequency of browser.wait() (Fluent Wait) selenium selenium

Controlling poll frequency of browser.wait() (Fluent Wait)

With the help of @Kirill S., after the further research and inspecting the WebdriverJS source code, I can conclude that there is no such thing as "poll frequency" in javascript selenium bindings. The interval between subsequent condition check calls cannot be configured - it performs the check as quick as possible.

This is not the same as in, for instance Python or Java selenium bindings, where there is a configurable timeout between the expected condition state checks. By default, it would wait for 500ms before the next check:

WebDriverWait by default calls the ExpectedCondition every 500 milliseconds until it returns successfully. A successful return is for ExpectedCondition type is Boolean return true or not null return value for all other ExpectedCondition types.

Well, according to the docs which I read, there doesn't seem to be an actual method that mirrors the functionality of the FluentWait. Instead, this snippet can be used to change poll frequency and it escapes almost all the exceptions (almost all).

def wait_until(predicate, timeout_seconds, period=0.25, show_log=True):    """    @summary Call repeatedly the predicate until it returns true or timeout_seconds passed.    @param predicate: a condition, modelized as a callable,  that will valued either as True or False    @param timeout_seconds: the timeout in second    @param period: the time to sleep between 2 calls to predicate. Defaults to 0.25s.    @return True if a call to predicate returned True before timeout_seconds passed, else False    """    if show_log:"waiting until predicate is true for {end} seconds".format(end=timeout_seconds))    ultimatum = time.time() + timeout_seconds    while time.time() < ultimatum:        myLogger.logger.debug("checking predicate for wait until : {spent} / {end}".format(spent=str(time.time() - (ultimatum - timeout_seconds)), end=timeout_seconds))        try:            if predicate():                return True            time.sleep(period)        except Exception as e:            myLogger.logger.warn("Exception found: {}".format(e))    return False

Consequently, the predicate can be lambda that you pass which validates the state of the WebElement under question.