Create a test web application replay to test and also to warm up a server Create a test web application replay to test and also to warm up a server selenium selenium

Create a test web application replay to test and also to warm up a server

JMeter can/is used also for functional testing and have selenium integration

Can JMeter and Selenium collaborate?

Yes. There are various situations where both tools can sync on the same testing application.

You can follow JMeter's recording steps to compare with katalon recording

You can do that with Katalon Studio.

Here's what I do to warm-up the servers:

  • I wrote a simple script (login with username and password, wait for web elements to load, logout),
  • It is repeated on various servers,
  • I put this Test Case in a Test Suite (because I can run test suites from command line),
  • Generate a console command,
  • Use windows scheduler to run the test suite daily early in the morning, before users start working.