Creating a testing infrastructure with Pytest , Selenium Grid and Docker Creating a testing infrastructure with Pytest , Selenium Grid and Docker selenium selenium

Creating a testing infrastructure with Pytest , Selenium Grid and Docker

I think you're almost there.

I would add a pytest service to the docker-compose.yml, and remove the volumes_from and external_links from the hub image (so that it looks more like the example from the blog post you linked).

The pytest service will run the python code, but it should connect to hub to run selenium. I believe somewhere in the org_QA_folder there is configuration that tries to start up selenium locally. It needs to be reconfigured to use the hub server instead.

I finally made it to work like this:

From my code I use this:

class Fixtures_docker(unittest.TestCase):    def setUp(self, hub_ip="http://HUB_CONTAINER_IP", hub_port=4444):        print "--Fixtures_docker in trying to run on--: %s:%s"%(hub_ip, hub_port)        if platform.system() == 'Linux':            from pyvirtualdisplay import Display            self.display = Display(visible=0, size=(1024, 768))            self.display.start()        if browser == "Firefox":             self.wd = webdriver.Remote(                command_executor=hub_ip + ':' + str(hub_port) + '/wd/hub',                    desired_capabilities={                        #FIREFOX                        "browserName"   : "firefox",                        # "maxInstances"  : 10,                        "seleniumProtocol": "WebDriver",                        "platform"      : "ANY",                        "node"          : hub_port                })        # for debugging purposes from local machine        elif browser == "Firefox" and os == "Windows":            self.wd = webdriver.Remote(                command_executor=hub_ip + ':' + str(hub_port) + '/wd/hub',                    desired_capabilities={                        # FIREFOX -> WINDOWS                        # "firefox_binary":"C:\\firefox3\Firefox3.exe", # path to find another version of ff                        "browserName"   : "firefox",                        #"version"      : "3.0b3", # trying to run a specific ff version                        "platform"      : "WINDOWS",                        "node"          : hub_port,                        "maxSession"    : 5                })        self.wd.implicitly_wait(10)    def tearDown(self):        self.wd.quit()        if platform.system() == 'Linux':            self.display.stop()

and in the docker-compose.yml:

hub:  image: org/grid:hub # image must already exist  ports:    - "8080:4444" # HOST:CONTAINER  external_links: # link to a container created outside of this YAML file    - pytest  volumes_from:    - pytest # must be created first  expose:    - "4444" # intercontainer communication [other containers with selenium server]firefox:  image: org/grid:nodeff # image must already exist  links:    - hub  expose:    - "5555" # intercontainer communication [node registers to hub]