Cucumber and Watir suddenly stopped working Cucumber and Watir suddenly stopped working selenium selenium

Cucumber and Watir suddenly stopped working

Here is a simple step-by-step that should get everything working again on OS X:

  1. Download the latest prebuilt chromedriver server for OS X here:
  2. Move the chromedriver executable to your PATH. If you saved (and unzipped) chromedriver to your Downloads folder in step 1, try this (subbing your username for <your_username>:

    sudo cp /Users/<your_username>/Downloads/chromedriver /usr/bin
  3. Profit!

/usr/bin should definitely work as your PATH, but you can double check all available PATHs by typing $PATH into and hitting enter.

Today Selenium stopped working for me in Mac Os. I am using python and I am getting:

"Unable to either launch or connect to Chrome. Please check that ChromeDriver is up-to-date. Using Chrome binary at: /Applications/Google Chrome'" error.

Solution: Please update your driver file.

My guess is that Chrome updated silently in the background. Make sure you have the latest selenium-webdriver gem and chromedriver.