Cucumber feature file does not identify the steps Cucumber feature file does not identify the steps selenium selenium

Cucumber feature file does not identify the steps

I had an extra ":" in my feature file after Given, When and Then.

It's working now.

You are missing your feature files in your class path.

You don’t tell us how you are running Cucumber. But if you would run it as a part of a Maven build, which is among the easier options, you would like to store your feature file in


An easy way to get started is to download the getting started project from GitHub,

It will give you a a working project that you can modify to contain your problem.

Where are your step definitions located? Try adding the tag 'glue' like below

@RunWith(Cucumber.class)@CucumberOptions(        format = {"pretty", "json:target/"},        features = {"src/GUI/"},        glue = {"path/to/steps"}         )public class GUIRunner {}