cucumberjs: finding if a step Result is failed cucumberjs: finding if a step Result is failed selenium selenium

cucumberjs: finding if a step Result is failed

What you need is an after hook

Create a file features/support/after_hooks.js

module.exports = function() {    this.After(function (scenario, callback) {        if (scenario.isFailed()) {            // Do your after stuff here        }        callback();    });};

Note that this is only executed after every feature

You can get more details in (cucumberjs 1.x)

getKeyword: function getKeyword() {    return astScenario.getKeyword();},getName: function getName() {    return astScenario.getName();},getDescription: function getDescription() {    return astScenario.getDescription();},getUri: function getUri() {    return astScenario.getUri();},getLine: function getLine() {    return astScenario.getLine();},getTags: function getTags() {    return astScenario.getTags();},isSuccessful: function isSuccessful() {    return scenarioResult.getStatus() === Cucumber.Status.PASSED;},isFailed: function isFailed() {    return scenarioResult.getStatus() === Cucumber.Status.FAILED;},isPending: function isPending() {    return scenarioResult.getStatus() === Cucumber.Status.PENDING;},isUndefined: function isUndefined() {    return scenarioResult.getStatus() === Cucumber.Status.UNDEFINED;},isSkipped: function isSkipped() {    return scenarioResult.getStatus() === Cucumber.Status.SKIPPED;},getException: function getException() {    return scenarioResult.getFailureException();},getAttachments: function getAttachments() {    return attachments;},clearAttachments: function clearAttachments() {    attachments = [];},

Create afterhook.js and check for failing scenario You can use browser.saveScreenshot for saving the screenshot . While saving screenshot use a timestamp to the file name and also exclude the screenshots from version control

module.exports = function() {  this.After((scenario, callback) => {    if (scenario.isFailed()) {      const d = new Date();      browser.saveScreenshot(        `./e2e/screenshots/screenshot-${d.toISOString()}.png`      );    }    callback();  });};