Debugging with headless browser Debugging with headless browser selenium selenium

Debugging with headless browser

There are two ways to debug. You can get Page Source and check what is different.

Now when you launch a browser using Selenium, it is using the Debugging session to automate chrome. So you can't do a remote debugger to your website using this.

You need to launch chrome manually.

chrome --headless --remote-debugging-port=9222 --disable-gpu

Now in open another chrome and debug the site by going to and inspect the site.

Debugging Session

for debugging headless, try to get an screenshot before the error:

in Python:

WINDOW_SIZE = "1200,900" opts.add_argument("--window-size=%s" % self.WINDOW_SIZE) if self.HEADLESS:   opts.add_argument('--headless')     self.driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=chromedriver,options=opts)   driver.save_screenshot('./foto.png')

for anyone struggling with this (as i was), there's a powerful method you can use in selenium called execute_script.

as an example, i was finding an element by xpath and clicking on it:


but this wasn't working in headless. after inspecting the element i found out the button click actually executes a simple javascript line. so i replaced this line with:

js = """drawTable();            return false;"""    browser.execute_script(js)

and i was able to actually pull my data! now my script will work in ssh, docker, etc.