Django test freeze using nose, django-nose and selenium Django test freeze using nose, django-nose and selenium selenium selenium

Django test freeze using nose, django-nose and selenium

If you are using selenium's wait methods there is potential for tests to be blocked until a particular condition is met. See webdriver document above.

I have read somewhere (forgot the source of this) that the combination you are using, needs a test database alias for sqlite (TEST_NAME). and not to use the in-memory sqlite database. Not sure what database you are using while testing, but maybe this information helps?

I put this in my development settings:

DATABASES = {    'default': {        'NAME': os.path.join(BUILDOUT_DIR, 'var', 'sqlite', 'development.db'),        # TEST_NAME is absolutely CRITICAL for getting django-nose-selenium        # going with sqlite3. The default in-memory breaks everything.        'TEST_NAME': os.path.join(BUILDOUT_DIR, 'var', 'sqlite', 'unittest.db'),        'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3',         'USER': '',        'PASSWORD': '',        'HOST': '',  # empty string for localhost.        'PORT': '',  # empty string for default.        }    }