Error in converted maven project in Eclipse Error in converted maven project in Eclipse selenium selenium

Error in converted maven project in Eclipse

Eclipse Juno have some problem on creating a Maven project, the best way would to create Maven project,create Java and convert it.

Juno also has the problem with life cycle configuration of Maven, in building,compiling,installing. so please turn off your build automatically too.

Follow the below instruction to fix this issue.

Check if your proxy settings on Eclipse is behind your company corporate network.

To change this goto-> window->prefernces->General-> network connection and change the active providers.

If you have some proxy details, select Manaul as active provider and edit it.Add the proxy details , ie., host name and port , and click save.

Else try to get it from your company network team.

After this goto maven settings by Goto->window->prefernces->Maven-> user settings

Check if there is xml file called settings.xml if not add the code below to the file and save on the path.

For reference it will be locatedon : users\your name.m2

<settings xmlns=""  xmlns:xsi=""  xsi:schemaLocation="            ">  <localRepository/>  <interactiveMode/>  <usePluginRegistry/>  <offline/>  <pluginGroups/>  <servers/>  <mirrors/>  <proxies>    <proxy>      <id>myproxy</id>      <active>true</active>      <protocol>http</protocol>      <host>proxy name</host>      <port>number</port>      <username></username>      <password></password>      <nonProxyHosts>localhost,</nonProxyHosts>    </proxy>  </proxies>  <profiles/>  <activeProfiles/></settings>

Even after this, if it does not works, Goto command prompt.navigate to project location.type command one after the other.- mvn clean - mvn compile - mvn install

Hope it will work for you and others.