Exception triggered in EventFiringWebDriver when debugging in PyCharm Exception triggered in EventFiringWebDriver when debugging in PyCharm selenium selenium

Exception triggered in EventFiringWebDriver when debugging in PyCharm

Looks like PyCharm debug checks if an object has a __len__ attribute:

elif hasattr(v, "__len__")

and the object WebDriver has no __len__.

A solution could be (from the link below) to warp with try\catch:

try:    if is_numeric_container(type_qualifier, typeName, v):        xml_shape = ' shape="%s"' % make_valid_xml_value(str(v.shape))    elif hasattr(v, "__len__") and not is_string(v):        try:            xml_shape = ' shape="%s"' % make_valid_xml_value("%s" % str(len(v)))        except:            passexcept KeyError:    pass

Please check this track:https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/PY-39954