Extracting the required information for a Script tag of scraped webpage using BeautifulSoup Extracting the required information for a Script tag of scraped webpage using BeautifulSoup selenium selenium

Extracting the required information for a Script tag of scraped webpage using BeautifulSoup

This is a task that is best suited for a tool like selenium, as the site uses the scrip to populate the page with the table after it loads, and it is not trivial to parse the values from the script source:

from selenium import webdriverfrom bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soupimport urllib.parse, collections, red = webdriver.Chrome('/path/to/chromedriver')d.get((url:='https://www.capology.com/club/leicester/salaries/2019-2020/'))league_teams = d.execute_script("""    var results = [];    for (var i of Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('li.green-subheader + li')).slice(0, 5)){        results.push({league:i.querySelector('.league-title').textContent,         teams:Array.from(i.querySelectorAll('select:nth-of-type(1).team-menu option')).map(x => [x.getAttribute('value'), x.textContent]).slice(1),         years:Array.from(i.querySelectorAll('select:nth-of-type(2).team-menu option')).map(x => [x.getAttribute('value'), x.textContent]).slice(2)})    }    return results;""")vals = collections.defaultdict(dict)for i in league_teams:   for y, full_year in [[re.sub('\d{4}\-\d{4}', '2020-2021', i['years'][0][0]), '2020-21'], *i['years']][:4]:      for t, team in i['teams']:          d.get(urllib.parse.urljoin(url, t) + (y1:=re.findall('/\d{4}\-\d{4}/', y)[0][1:]))          hvals = [x.get_text(strip=True) for x in soup(d.page_source, 'html.parser').select('#table thead tr:nth-of-type(3) th')]          tvals = soup(d.page_source, 'html.parser').select('#table tbody tr')          full_table = [dict(zip(hvals, [j.get_text(strip=True) for j in k.select('td')])) for k in tvals]          if team not in vals[i['league']]:             vals[i['league']][team] = {full_year:None}          vals[i['league']][team][full_year] = full_table