Failsafe html reports in Jenkins Failsafe html reports in Jenkins selenium selenium

Failsafe html reports in Jenkins

Answer for the part 1) to generate HTML reports for Failsafe.

Add the following to pom.xml

<reporting>    <plugins>        <plugin>            <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>            <artifactId>maven-surefire-report-plugin</artifactId>            <version>2.18.1</version>            <configuration>                <skipSurefireReport>${skipSurefireReport}</skipSurefireReport>                <reportsDirectories>                    <reportsDirectory>${basedir}/target/failsafe-reports</reportsDirectory>                </reportsDirectories>            </configuration>        </plugin>    </plugins></reporting><properties>   <skipSurefireReport>true</skipSurefireReport></properties>

I am assuming you are using mvn verify to run the integration tests using failsafe-plugin.By default, this generates the (*.txt & *.xml) reports in {basedir}/target/failsafe-reports. This should be specified in <reportDirectories>. You can point to any directory which has TEST-*.xml reports.

And then run the cmd

mvn site

This would generate html reports for the Failsafe run integration tests. By default, The files would be in {basedir}/target/site/failsafe-report.html.This location be changed.