Find and click an item from 'onclick' partial value Find and click an item from 'onclick' partial value selenium selenium

Find and click an item from 'onclick' partial value

Either XPath or CssSelector would do. No need to have any looping, but straightforward locators.

driver.find_element_by_xpath(".//input[contains(@onclick, '1 Bedroom Deluxe')]")driver.find_element_by_css_selector("input[onclick*='1 Bedroom Deluxe']")

You are on the right track!

buttons = driver.find_elements_by_name('booksubmit')for button in buttons:

Yes, this exactly. You want to iterate through name = booksubmit elements and check the "onclick" attribute of each one. Here's what the rest would look like:

buttons = driver.find_elements_by_name('booksubmit')for button in buttons:    onclick_text = button.get_attribute('onclick')    if onclick_text and'Bedroom Deluxe', onclick_text):        print "found it!"

BeautifulSoup does not help much in this case, since you still need to use selenium's methods to get ahold of the element to click on.

A general answer for solving these kinds of problems is using the Selenium IDE. From here, you can manually click buttons on a website and have the Selenium IDE (a Firefox plugin) record your actions. From there you can File > Export Test Case As... and choose whatever coding language you want.

Selenium Downloads page:

Selenium IDE Firefox plugin version 2.9.0

EDIT: Sometimes you might actually be finding the correct element, but the webdriver tries to find it before it's there. Try adding this line after you create your webdriver:
In Python:

This tells your webdriver to give itself more time to try to find the object. It does not add a 10 second wait, but says keep looking for 10 seconds. If it finds the element before 10 seconds, it will continue on as normal.