How can I activate each item and parse their information? How can I activate each item and parse their information? selenium selenium

How can I activate each item and parse their information?

I tweaked the code to properly click on the links and to check if the current listed item's text matches with the active listed item's text. If they match, you can safely go on parsing without worrying that you are parsing the same thing over and over again. Here you go:

from selenium import webdriverfrom import Byfrom import WebDriverWaitfrom import expected_conditions as ECdriver = webdriver.Chrome()driver.get("")wait = WebDriverWait(driver, 10)links = driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//span[@class='img']/img")for idx, link in enumerate(links):    while True:        try:              while driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//span[@class='size']")[idx].text != driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//div[@class='colright']//li[@class='active']//span")[1].text:                  print driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//span[@class='size']")[idx].text            items = wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, "//div[@class='colright']//ul[@class='opt2']//label")))            for item in items.find_elements_by_xpath("//div[@class='colright']//ul[@class='opt2']//label"):            print(item.text)        except StaleElementReferenceException:            continue        breakdriver.quit()

I do not think it has much to do with Python, just many Javascript and ajax things.

enter image description here

The javascript part is

$(document).on("click", ".product-details .custom-radio input:not(.active input)", function() {    var elm = $(this);    var root = elm.closest(".product-details");    var option = elm.closest(".custom-radio");    var opt, opt1, opt2, ip, ipr;    elm.closest("ul").find("li").removeClass("active");    elm.closest("li").addClass("active");    if (option.hasClass("options1")) {        ip = root.find(".options1").data("ip");        opt = root.find(".options2").data("opt");        opt1 = root.find(".options1 input").val();        opt2 = root.find(".options2 input").data("opt-sel");    } else        ipr = root.find(".options2 input:checked").val();    $.ajax({        type: "POST",        url: "/product/ajax/details.php",        data: {            opt: opt,            opt1: opt1,            opt2: opt2,            ip: ip,            ipr: ipr        },

So you can just construct the params(use css selector will be better than xpath in this case), post and parse the json results.