How can I include ChromeDriver in a JAR? How can I include ChromeDriver in a JAR? selenium selenium

How can I include ChromeDriver in a JAR?

you have to extract it before running it.Copy Your driver under src/resources/drivers/chromedriver.exe

Now whenever you run this code , it will Create a new Folder "Driver" where ever you put your Runnable jar and copy your driver, which you can access.

ClassLoader classLoader = getClass().getClassLoader();                URL resource = classLoader.getResource("resources/drivers/chromedriver.exe");                File f = new File("Driver");                if (!f.exists()) {                    f.mkdirs();                }                File chromeDriver = new File("Driver" + File.separator + "chromedriver.exe");                if (!chromeDriver.exists()) {                    chromeDriver.createNewFile();          , chromeDriver);                }                System.setProperty("", chromeDriver.getAbsolutePath());                driver = new ChromeDriver();

Export your code as jar without the chromedriver.Create a folder ChromeDriver. Place your chromedriver.exe in this folder.Place ChromeDriver folder along with your jar.

Also dont forget to set the System property in the code to

System.setProperty("", "ChromeDriver/chromedriver.exe"); 

Please let me know if this works for you.

It's in the Jar but cannot be executed (same as trying to run an .exe from a zip file), you have to extract it before running it