How do I setup the InternetExplorerDriver so it works How do I setup the InternetExplorerDriver so it works selenium selenium

How do I setup the InternetExplorerDriver so it works

Unpack it and place somewhere you can find it. In my example, I will assume you will place it to C:\Selenium\iexploredriver.exe

Then you have to set it up in the system. Here is the Java code pasted from my Selenium project:

File file = new File("C:/Selenium/iexploredriver.exe");System.setProperty("", file.getAbsolutePath());WebDriver driver = new InternetExplorerDriver();

Basically, you have to set this property before you initialize driver


If you are using RemoteDriver things are different. From :

You will need to start the server using a line like

java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.26.0.jar\Temp\IEDriverServer.exe

I found that if the IEDriverServer.exe was in C:\Windows\System32\ or its subfolders, it couldn't be found automatically (even though System32 was in the %PATH%) or explicitly using the -D flag.

Another way to resolve this problem is:

Let's assume:

path_to_driver_directory = C:\Work\drivers\

driver = IEDriverServer.exe

When getting messsage about path you can always add path_to_driver_directory containing driver to the PATH environment variable.Check:

Then simply check in cmd window if driver is available - just run cmd in any location and type name of driver.

If everything works fine then you get:

C:\Users\A>IEDriverServer.exeStarted InternetExplorerDriver server (32-bit) on port 5555

Thats it.