How to checkif there are pending requests (Ajax and its variants) from browser How to checkif there are pending requests (Ajax and its variants) from browser selenium selenium

How to checkif there are pending requests (Ajax and its variants) from browser

I found the answer and it worked for few Ajax and non-ajax sites I checked. After this patch I no longer need to do implicit waits even for ajax heavy pages, LeGac pointed out the following code in one of his comments to the question.

public static void checkPendingRequests(FirefoxDriver driver) {    int timeoutInSeconds = 5;    try {        if (driver instanceof JavascriptExecutor) {            JavascriptExecutor jsDriver = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;            for (int i = 0; i< timeoutInSeconds; i++)             {                Object numberOfAjaxConnections = jsDriver.executeScript("return window.openHTTPs");                // return should be a number                if (numberOfAjaxConnections instanceof Long) {                    Long n = (Long)numberOfAjaxConnections;                    System.out.println("Number of active calls: " + n);                    if (n.longValue() == 0L)  break;                } else{                    // If it's not a number, the page might have been freshly loaded indicating the monkey                    // patch is replaced or we haven't yet done the patch.                    monkeyPatchXMLHttpRequest(driver);                }                Thread.sleep(1000);            }        }        else {           System.out.println("Web driver: " + driver + " cannot execute javascript");        }    }    catch (InterruptedException e) {        System.out.println(e);    }    }public static void monkeyPatchXMLHttpRequest(FirefoxDriver driver) {    try {        if (driver instanceof JavascriptExecutor) {            JavascriptExecutor jsDriver = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;            Object numberOfAjaxConnections = jsDriver.executeScript("return window.openHTTPs");            if (numberOfAjaxConnections instanceof Long) {                return;            }            String script = "  (function() {" +                "var oldOpen =;" +                "window.openHTTPs = 0;" +                " = function(method, url, async, user, pass) {" +                "window.openHTTPs++;" +                "this.addEventListener('readystatechange', function() {" +                "if(this.readyState == 4) {" +                "window.openHTTPs--;" +                "}" +                "}, false);" +                ", method, url, async, user, pass);" +                "}" +                "})();";            jsDriver.executeScript(script);        }        else {           System.out.println("Web driver: " + driver + " cannot execute javascript");        }    }    catch (Exception e) {        System.out.println(e);    }}

After every step you would need to call


This doesn't work?

$(document).ajaxStop(function() {    // Do stuff here...    });

If you are using JSONP requests, you need to enable the active handling:

jQuery.ajaxPrefilter(function( options ) { = true;});

I think that the use of active is correct, but possibly the way you have used might return false in the instanceof conditions.

Optionally, see another way to wait for jQuery ajax calls using active in Selenium tests:

browser.wait_for_condition("selenium.browserbot.getCurrentWindow() === 0;", '30000')