how to close selenium hub/grid from command prompt how to close selenium hub/grid from command prompt selenium selenium

how to close selenium hub/grid from command prompt


is the command to close the opened selenium session. If the session is opened using batch file please remove the '@pause' command if its is used. This is useful when we are trying to stop and start the server during or in between test case execution.


"Ctrl + C" is the best option.

The URL command shutDownSeleniumServer is no longer supported as of Selenium 3.0.

This github issue suggests that the servlet that manages the lifecycle is still available, but accessible through a different URL:


If the server is running as a node, the servlet has to be enabled at runtime:

java -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.0.0.jar -role node -servlet org.openqa.grid.web.servlet.LifecycleServlet

And the shutdown URL for a node is:
