How to deal with the overlay Paused in debugger while automated test execution using Selenium How to deal with the overlay Paused in debugger while automated test execution using Selenium selenium selenium

How to deal with the overlay Paused in debugger while automated test execution using Selenium

  • In which cases can the Paused in debugger error occur?

    Anytime you are accessing this page with the dev tools open. The debugger; line will pause javascript execution, but browsers will ignore it if the dev tools are closed.

  • Is it an error from the frontend development?

    In this case, no--they're deliberately trying to keep you out. The purpose of this function is to pause execution and then redirect your browser to a different page if it takes longer than 100ms to resume. I would speculate that this is designed to interfere with automated crawlers like selenium, because a regular user wouldn't be affected and a human developer can just hack around it.

  • How can I bypass this error during the Automated Tests through Selenium?

My first recommendation would be to try running Selenium headlessly, if that's an option. If not, use the hotkey to resume execution (F8). You can use whatever method you like for generating a keypress; with the java.awt package it will look something like this:

Robot robot = null;try{   robot = new Robot();}catch(Exception e){   //handle failure}robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_F8);

Remember that you have to trigger this within 100ms, so use whatever logic you like to detect the block and respond quickly. If you just want something quick and dirty, I would just make it spam F8 keypresses every 50ms for a period of time until you're certain the page has loaded.

EDIT: On further investigation, this page is extremely messy and hostile to anyone with the dev tools open. There is not one but several functions that trigger debugger;and they get called repeatedly on a timer for as long as you're on the page. Running headlessly seems like the best choice, unless you want to continue spamming F8 for the entire session.