how to delete default values in text field using selenium? how to delete default values in text field using selenium? selenium selenium

how to delete default values in text field using selenium?

And was the code helpful? Because the code you are writing should do the thing:


If it does not help, then try this:

WebElement toClear = driver.findElement("locator");toClear.sendKeys(Keys.CONTROL + "a");toClear.sendKeys(Keys.DELETE);

maybe you will have to do some convert of the Keys.CONTROL + "a" to CharSequence, but the first approach should do the magic

For page object model -

 @FindBy(xpath="//foo")   public WebElement textBox;

now in your function

 public void clearExistingText(String newText){    textBox.clear();    textBox.sendKeys(newText);  }

for general selenium architecture -


If you're looking for a solution from Selenium RC, you can use simply

// assuming 'selenium' is a healthy Selenium instanceselenium.type("someLocator", "");