how to downgrade Chrome on Ubuntu and disable auto-update? how to downgrade Chrome on Ubuntu and disable auto-update? selenium selenium

how to downgrade Chrome on Ubuntu and disable auto-update?

I had a similar task recently. This is the script I ran to download previous Chrome version, disable auto update and check the installed version:

sudo wget && \sudo dpkg -i google-chrome-stable_75.0.3770.142-1_amd64.deb && \sudo apt-mark hold google-chrome-stable  && \google-chrome-stable --version \

you can google to find an archive website. I have mentioned 2 of them here, though there are hundreds of them around.

0- choose the version you want to install by going to an archive website like this:

1- In the Download section download the 64-Bits or 32-Bits package suitable for your OS ( or you can directly Press APT_INSTALL button)

3- Install the package using Ubuntu software center. you may need to remove the existing version first.

4- for disabling auto updates you can go to SystemSettings/ Software & Updates from Ubuntu applications Menu

Doing the same things command line:I assume your user name is "user" you replace it with your username.

1- Browse the website or any other archive website.

2- Download a proper version of google-chrome ( I brought 49.0.2623.75 Linux_64)

3- Save the downloaded file in /home/user/Downloads

4- Open a console and execute the following commands:

user@host:~/workspace $ cd ~/Downloads/user@host:~/Downloads $ user@host:~/Downloads $ sudo dpkg -i ./chrome64_49.0.2623.75.deb

of course you would replace the file name with the one you downloaded.

  1. You can search for software and updates in your dash bar
  2. You can click on Softwares and updates app which is listed
  3. Go to the other Software tab in the window which is opened
  4. you can uncheck the main

and then you can uninstall the new version of chrome and install the old one.

Hope this helps.