How to get entered text from a textbox in Selenium How to get entered text from a textbox in Selenium selenium selenium

How to get entered text from a textbox in Selenium

The getText() method is for retrieving a text node between element tags for example:


getText() will return "Something"

In a textbox typed text goes into the value attribute so you can try something like:


ComboBox is a bit different. But if you're using the Select object you can use the method:

Select selectItem = new Select(findElement("someid")));selectItem.getFirstSelectedOption().getText();

Try getValue if it is a Text Field or Dropdown box

String lastname=selenium.getValue("//*[@id='lastName']");System.out.println(lastname);

This is how we can fetch the text written in a textbox using Selenium + Python:

text = driver.find_element_by_xpath("Type_Xpath_Here").get_attribute('value')print(text)