How to handle a javascript alert window using PHP behat/mink selenium2 chrome webdriver How to handle a javascript alert window using PHP behat/mink selenium2 chrome webdriver selenium selenium

How to handle a javascript alert window using PHP behat/mink selenium2 chrome webdriver

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Could you try updating ConfirmPopup function in featureContext.php file as follows

public function iConfirmPopup(){$this->getMainContext()->getSession()->getDriver()->getWebDriverSession()->accept_alert();}

add this in featureContext.php file

Reference Link solution to use alert(), confirm() and prompt() in Selenium2Driver

You don't need to create Selenium2Driver for this method.For Behat 3 this should work if you add it in an object that extends Page object.

public function iConfirmThePopup(){    $i = 0;    while($i < 5) {        try {            $this->getDriver()->getWebDriverSession()->accept_alert();            break;        }        catch(NoAlertOpenError $e) {            sleep(1);            $i++;        }    }}

and add to the beginning of the class:

use WebDriver\Exception\NoAlertOpenError;

You can customize the method according to your needs, you can remove the while and the try-catch if you don't need them.

UPD: code formatting fixed

I find this function is really working for me:

public function acceptAlert(){    $driver = $this->getDriver();    if ($driver instanceof Selenium2Driver) {        for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {            try {                $driver->getWebDriverSession()->accept_alert();                break;            }            catch (NoAlertOpenError $e) {                sleep(2);                $i++;            }        }    }}