How to integrate Sikuli scripts into Selenium? How to integrate Sikuli scripts into Selenium? selenium selenium

How to integrate Sikuli scripts into Selenium?

See the Python section of the Selenium RC documentation:

You may be able to run Selenium tests from Jython. In that case, you can simply integrate Selenium scripts into your Sikuli scripts.

Try the following in the Sikuli IDE. You may need to modify the import statements to point to specific files in the Selenium project.

from selenium import selenium    # this will probably need tweaking...slm = selenium("localhost", 4444, "*firefox", "")slm.start()# etc...

This guy appears to have had success controlling Selenium from Jython:

My conclusion: it will probably be easiest to stay in Jython and control Selenium from there. You could integrate both tools into a single script.

It is possible to have Sikuli capabilities on Selenium Grid. It requires extra libraries to be installed on every node and hub.

Check this project to learn more

If one doesn't need to use custom or specific test framework, one option is Robot Framework (RF). It has a Selenium library, and there is a how to on how to use Sikuli with RF. With that in mind, you could combine the two together using RF. Plus RF has some nice test automation framework features built in.