How to properly make use of TestContext.Properties How to properly make use of TestContext.Properties selenium selenium

How to properly make use of TestContext.Properties

You have to fix few things:

  • TestInitialize method cannot be static and it shouldn't have any parameters
  • You will need static method with ClassInitialize attribute and TestContext as parameter
  • TestContext in your test class cannot be static

After that, you can access whatever properties you want in any unit tests. Here is an example:

[TestClass]public class GenerarBoletinDeClase{    public TestContext TestContext { get; set; }    public static int Colegio { get; set; }    [ClassInitialize]    public static void ClassInitialize(TestContext testContext)    {        Colegio = int.Parse(testContext.Properties["colegio"].ToString()); // colegio is equal 7 in here    }    [TestInitialize]    public void TestInitialize()    {        int tempColegio = int.Parse(this.TestContext.Properties["colegio"].ToString()); // colegio is equal 7 in here    }    [TestMethod]    public void TestMethod1()    {        int colegio = int.Parse(this.TestContext.Properties["colegio"].ToString()); // colegio is equal 7 in here as well        Assert.AreEqual(7, Colegio);        Assert.AreEqual(7, colegio);        Assert.AreEqual(colegio, Colegio);    }}

First of all, thanks to @Peska for providing the code in this answer

So, finally what I did was add the following code to the class TestBase:

public class TestBase{    public TestContext TestContext { get; set; }    public static int Colegio { get; set; }    [AssemblyInitialize]    public static void ClassInitialize(TestContext TestContext)    {        Colegio = int.Parse(TestContext.Properties["colegio"].ToString()); // colegio is equal 7 in here    }    public TestBase()    {        SeleniumHelper = new HelperSelenium(Colegio, WebDriverSelector.ObtenerWebDriver());        DiccionarioCompartido = new Dictionary<string, string>();    }

The decorator [AssemblyInitialize] is necessary, [ClassInitialize] and [TestInitialize] will not work, I believe because the TestContext has not been instantiated yet.

After that, make sure that you have configured a Test Settings File by going to Test > Test Settings > Select Test Settings File, the file must be named *.runsettings

With that, everything should be set up for TestContext.Properties to read from your test settings file