How to run multiple test cases in testng with different set of test data from excel file? How to run multiple test cases in testng with different set of test data from excel file? selenium selenium

How to run multiple test cases in testng with different set of test data from excel file?

You cannot do this currently in TestNG. TestNG would basically run through a class which has a @Test test powered by a data provider and iterate all the data provider provided data sets, before it picks up the next class in your <test> tag. If you have enabled parallelism this would happen in parallel but not the way in which you are expecting.

However, you can try doing the following :

Build a test class that is driven by a @Factory annotated constructor and tie this constructor's @Factory annotation to a @DataProvider annotated data provider.

Within your test class house all of your @Test methods which are currently scattered across multiple classes.

This arrangement would cause TestNG to pick a row of data from your data provider, feed it to the constructor to instantiate your test class and after that, your @Test methods can basically work with the data that was injected into it via the constructor. So for every row of data that your data provider gives, a test class instance is created. That is the only way in which you can achieve what you are looking for.

Here's a sample :

import static org.testng.Assert.assertTrue;import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider;import org.testng.annotations.Factory;import org.testng.annotations.Test;import java.util.HashMap;import java.util.Map;public class SampleTestClass {    private String name;    private int age;    private Map<String, Integer> marks;    @Factory(dataProvider = "getData")    public SampleTestClass(String name, int age, Map<String, Integer> marks) { = name;        this.age = age;        this.marks = marks;    }    @DataProvider(name = "getData")    public static Object[][] testData() {        return new Object[][]{                {"Amar", 16, marksInSubjects(45, 55, 65)},                {"Akbar", 16, marksInSubjects(55, 65, 75)},                {"Antony", 16, marksInSubjects(35, 45, 55)},        };    }    @Test    public void testName() {        assertTrue(name != null && !name.trim().isEmpty(), "Should have received a valid name");    }    @Test    public void testAge() {        assertTrue(age > 0 && age < 30, "Should have received a valid age.");    }    @Test(dataProvider = "marks")    public void testMarks(String subject, int marks) {        boolean validSubject = subject != null && !"sports".equalsIgnoreCase(subject.trim());        assertTrue(validSubject, "Should have received a valid subject");        assertTrue(marks >= 40, + " didn't pass in " + subject);    }    @DataProvider(name = "marks")    public Object[][] getMarks() {        Object[][] marks = new Object[this.marks.size()][1];        int index = 0;        for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> mark : this.marks.entrySet()) {            marks[index++] = new Object[]{mark.getKey(), mark.getValue()};        }        return marks;    }    private static Map<String, Integer> marksInSubjects(int m1, int m2, int m3) {        Map<String, Integer> marks = new HashMap<>();        marks.put("english", m1);        marks.put("science", m2);        marks.put("mathematics", m3);        return marks;    }}