How to run selenium tests in headless mode on Mac using Webdriver with firefox 17.0.1 How to run selenium tests in headless mode on Mac using Webdriver with firefox 17.0.1 selenium selenium

How to run selenium tests in headless mode on Mac using Webdriver with firefox 17.0.1

I don't think such old Firefox version is still relevant. But for those who still want to use old Firefox versions - take a look at Selenoid project. This is a lightweight Selenium-compatible server coming with a set of prebuilt Docker images for all Firefox versions starting with 3.6. All images include Xvfb inside, so this solution is completely headless.

Will you try adding this option to your binary of Firefox if you are usingbinary of Firefox.


If you are not using binary and using driver as new Firefox driver then

 FirefoxOptions fireFoxOptions = new FirefoxOptions(); fireFoxOptions.addArguments("-headless"); DesiredCapabilities firefoxcapabilities = DesiredCapabilities.firefox();   capabilities.setCapability(ChromeOptions.CAPABILITY,fireFoxOptions); WebDriver firefoxdriver = new FirefoxDriver(firefoxcapabilities);

Also, this is a very old version of Firefox I will prefer upgrading the version if you don't have any restrictions upgrading it.