How to test if a WebElement Attribute exists using Selenium Webdriver How to test if a WebElement Attribute exists using Selenium Webdriver selenium selenium

How to test if a WebElement Attribute exists using Selenium Webdriver

if the attribute is not present, it should return null, if it's present and not set then it will return empty string. I think that's the case in your example, if so. Then you should use equal method to compare string rather than == operator.

Below example is about google search box, xxx attribute is not present for search box and so it will return null

    driver = new ChromeDriver();    driver.get("");    WebElement ele = driver.findElement("q"));    String attr = ele.getAttribute("xxx");    if (attr == null){        System.out.print("Attribute does not exist");    }    else if (attr.equals("")){        System.out.print("Attribute is empty string");    }

You can try it out yourself by writing the following html and saving it as test. html:

<html>    <head>    </head>    <body>        <p id="one">one</p>        <p id="two" data-se="">two</p>        <p id="three" data-se="something">three</p>    </body></html>

Then write a web driver script that looks like this:

driver.get("file:///<PATH_TO_HTML_ABOVE>/test.html");WebElement one = driver.findElement("one"));WebElement two = driver.findElement("two"));WebElement three = driver.findElement("three"));System.out.println("Does one have the data-se attribute?:  '" + one.getAttribute("data-se") + "'");System.out.println("Does two have the data-se attribute?:  '" + two.getAttribute("data-se") + "'");System.out.println("Does three have the data-se attribute?:  '" + three.getAttribute("data-se") + "'");

Which will give you the following output:

Does one have the data-se attribute?:  'null' Does two have the data-se attribute?:  '' Does three have the data-se attribute?:  'something'

Instead of checking the attribute, you should list the elements with the missing attribute with a selector:

List<WebElement> elems = driver.findElements(By.cssSelector("img:not([alt])"));if (elems.size() > 0) {  // found images with alt attribute missing}

I think you need to handle the null value first. if(null == we.getAttribute("alt")){ }