How to use headless chrome with capybara and selenium How to use headless chrome with capybara and selenium selenium selenium

How to use headless chrome with capybara and selenium

1) Make sure you don't have another registered driver, I made this mistake myself and had an iphone driver, which was using the args in the old way, that's why I was getting the warning.

2) Make sure you have Chrome version 57+ on Linux, 59+ on macOS or 60+ on Windows;

3) Add/update the gem selenium-webdriver;

4) Add the following driver to your spec_helper.rb or rails_helper.rb:

Capybara.register_driver :chrome do |app| app, browser: :chrome,    options: %w[headless disable-gpu])endCapybara.javascript_driver = :chrome

Update 2020-02-01

Support for ChromeDriver ended on Mar 24, 2019, creator recommended everybody to move to, having said that, the following is a configuration that worked for me:

require "test_helper"class ApplicationSystemTestCase < ActionDispatch::SystemTestCase  driver = ENV['DRIVER'] ? ENV['DRIVER'].to_sym : :headless_chrome  driven_by :selenium, using: driver, screen_size: [1400, 1400]end

When running your tests, you can also specify a different driver by passing the DRIVER variable like:

$ DRIVER=firefox bin/rails test:system$ DRIVER=headless_firefox bin/rails test:system$ DRIVER=chrome bin/rails test:system$ DRIVER=headless_chrome bin/rails test:system

Previous Answer

The simplest way to run headless Chrome with Rails apps is to add the following gems to the Gemfile

gem 'chromedriver-helper'gem 'selenium-webdriver'

And update your application_system_test_case.rb with the following:

require "test_helper"class ApplicationSystemTestCase < ActionDispatch::SystemTestCase  driver = ENV['CHROME_HEADLESS'] == 'false' ? :selenium_chrome : :selenium_chrome_headless  driven_by driver, screen_size: [1400, 1400]end

There is no need to pass args as the drivers are already available to use, available drivers are :rack_test, :selenium, :selenium_chrome, :selenium_chrome_headless.

You can run Headless Chrome

$ bin/rails test:system

Or you can also run Chrome and see test running on it

$ CHROME_HEADLESS=false bin/rails test:system

Windows support is coming in Chrome 60.

Download "Chome Canary" and give the installation path as a binary in chromeOptions.

Download the latest "chromedriver" and add to path in Environment Variables.

require 'rubygems'require 'capybara/cucumber'require 'selenium-webdriver'Capybara.register_driver :selenium_chrome do |app|  caps =    "chromeOptions" => {      "binary" => "C:/Users/YOURUSERNAME/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome SxS/Application/chrome.exe",      "args" => [ "--disable-web-security", "--headless", "--disable-gpu" ]    }  )    app,     browser: :chrome,     desired_capabilities: caps  )endCapybara.default_driver = :selenium_chrome